Kids’ Day:
On the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, we give free rides all day to celebrate our birthday. Our longtime Kids’ Day Sponsor has been Hobby Horse Arts! We are always looking for additional sponsors of any amount to help make this day a festive affair!
Fairy Tale and Superhero Festival:
Children dress as fairy tale characters or superheroes to attend this free festival (costumes not required). We provide many fun activities, including tumbling by MISMO and princesses/heroes from Your Fairy Godmothers.
We are seeking $500 sponsors.
Benefits include:
Sponsor logos on a direct mail postcard to over 500 households
Sponsor logos in print advertising
Promotions on social media in advance of the event
Posters about the event on display at the Carousel and around town
Sponsorship recognition in our newsletter – the Brass Ring
Once a year the Carousel Board of Directors come together to ride to raise funds to keep the ponies fed and well maintained.
Suggested sponsorship is $500
Benefits include:
Sponsor logos on Missoulian strip ad
Promotions on social media in advance of the event
Posters about the event on display at the Carousel and around town
Sponsorship recognition in our newsletter – the Brass Ring
Santa’s Breakfast: Dec 15, 2024 9-10:30am
Santa and his little fans enjoy a light breakfast and free rides. Suggested Sponsorship is $500.
Kids from Watson Children’s Shelter, Family Promise and Missoula Youth Homes are invited to attend free of charge.
Sponsor logos on a direct mail postcard to over 500 households
Sponsor logos on Missoulian strip ad
Promotions on social media in advance of the event
Posters about the event on display at the Carousel
Sponsorship recognition in our newsletter – the Brass Ring
Sponsor of the Month:
A Carousel for Missoula is offering your business the opportunity to partner with us in a unique way. For an investment of $1200, you may choose a month to sponsor the Carousel and Dragon Hollow. Months are available on a first-come first-served basis.
Your sponsorship includes the following:
- • Advertisements about the Carousel will be provided by our media sponsors. Each advertisement will include the information that you are the Carousel’s sponsor of the month. Frequency is as follows :
- Missoulian Newspaper: 18 inch ad once a quarter, with the logos of the three sponsors for that quarter.
- KPAX: Approximately ten times during the month on KPAX’s CBS station and on its CW station.
- Mountain FM 102.5 Radio: At least 28 commercials per month.
- • Sign at the Carousel displaying your business name and/or logo.
- • One hundred ride coupons to be used as you wish or a one and one half-hour private rental of the Carousel
In addition, your sponsorship will be mentioned in all issues of the Carousel’s newsletter, “The Brass Ring.”
This is an excellent opportunity for your company to provide support to two of Missoula’s most treasured attractions and to receive recognition for your generosity. You are welcome to commit for one-year, or for as many years as you choose.

Be sure to check out the items available for sponsorship in Dragon Hollow.
For more information on any of these sponsorship opportunities, please contact Tracy Ursery at 406.549.8382 or fill out the form below.
For information about sponsoring any of our events or an item at the Carousel or in Dragon Hollow, or to become a Sponsor of the Month, please call 406-549-8382 for more information.
Corbels and Granite Panel Inscriptions:
The Corbels on the building exterior are available for sponsorship for $2500 each. Your name (or the name of the person for whom you are purchasing the sponsorship) will be engraved into the permanent granite panel near your sponsored corbel.
The Carved Limestone Panels on the east side of the building are available for sponsorship. The small panels are $5,000 and the large panels are $10,000. Your dedication will be engraved into the permanent granite panel at the base of the carving.
Thank you for supporting the Carousel and keeping the dream alive!